
 Never. Ever. Ever. Not. Knitting.

I LOVE to knit. Seriously. I REALLY love to knit. Anywhere, anytime, everywhere, all the time. I'm that lady you see in the car, on the train, on the airplane, in the carpool lane, in rush hour traffic, in the waiting room, at the soccer game, or the concert, or the professional game, or the coffee shop, or the beach, or the chalet, or the park, or the library, or the lecture, or the meeting, or at the movies, etc. etc. with the needles clicking away.  I love all that the act of knitting actually encompasses. I love the colors and tactile nature and “juju” of a little yarn store.  I love the raw fibers and materials lying in front of me.  I love the unraveling of the skeins of yarns.  I love the feeling of the yarn in my fingers.  I love the sound of the needles clicking as I move them. I love the potential that exists in imagining a project.   I love the meditative quality of the knitting.  I love knitting by myself, and with others.  I love knitting in the quiet, and amidst crowds and noise.  I love to teach others how to knit.  I love the process of witnessing patterns and creations unfold in front of me, between and with my two hands.  And I love, love, LOVE creating something to be passed on to and for someone else. Knitting, to me, is a very personal, spiritual, tactile experience involving senses and feelings.  Turning chaos and raw materials into order, for communion, for creativity.  


While I learned to knit when I was about eight, the passion (ummm... obsession...) really emerged during my years in Maine at Bowdoin College (GO U BEARS!!). I was gifted with sharing time and space with an amazing group of young women and dear friends, and we knit our way through the college days and nights, clicking the needles, with the soundtrack of our voices and laughter playing on and on, in and through it all.  After college, I shared knitting time and space with friends and groups of friends, new and old,  in all of my home "bases" -- from Massachusetts, to Colorado, to Minnesota, to Connecticut -- and in travels all around the world. I am just so very very grateful for so many amazing and wonderful stories "knit" into so many projects as the years have flown by.

Since those college years, I have had countless projects and products on and off the needles ---  from Christmas stockings given to family and friends as wedding and new baby gifts, to baby blankets and baby sweaters, to graduation blankets, to prayer shawls, to welcome-to-your-new-home blankets and pillows, to dozens and dozens of sweaters, to purses and bags, and hats and mittens and scarves, and even one bathing suit --- and decided that I’d really love to expand my knitting sphere. And thus....  Polar Bear Knits! 

It is a privilege and joy to share this journey with YOU.

With love,